Sáb. 28 Septiembre 2024 Actualizado ayer a las 9:19 pm


Mostrando 3901 - 3910 de 3970

Encuentran la primera prueba concluyente del atentado contra el Nord Stream

El gobierno sueco encontró la primera prueba concluyente sobre los atentados perpetrados contra los gasoductos del Nord Stream. Tras la investigación de la explosión que hizo estallar tres de los...

Otra solución absurda de la UE para combatir el cambio climático

La Unión Europea buscará combatir el cambio climático uniéndose a un esfuerzo internacional para evaluar si son viables las intervenciones a gran escala, como desviar los rayos del sol o cambiar los...

Venezuela Opposition Politician María Corina Machado’s Ties With Florida Republicans and BOLIVAR Act

The decision of a sector of the Venezuelan opposition, concentrated in the Unitary Platform, to call for primary elections to select the opposition’s candidate to run in the upcoming presidential...


Diesel Blockade’s Goal: ‘Accelerate the Collapse of Venezuela’

Recall that in 2005, after the lashings Hurricanes Katrina and Rita delivered to the United States—which led to an increase in heating prices and a shortage of fuel—President Hugo Chávez created the...


Venezuela Has a Strategy: Bolivarian Shield

Throughout history (at least since the end of World War II) the interventionist imprint of the United States has had the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) as the main actor. The entire conspiratorial...


China and Russia to Create International Lunar Research Station

The Russian space agency Roscosmos said in a statement that its director signed a joint agreement with his counterpart at the National Space Administration of China to “promote cooperation in the...


Venezuela Denounces Terrorist Attack on PDVSA Facilities in Monagas State

Venezuelan Vice President for the Economic Area and Minister for Petroleum, Tareck El Aissami, denounced the latest terrorist attack perpetrated against facilities of the state petroleum company...


Apartheid 2.0 in the World of Vaccines: The Great Reset in Action

Recently, media outlets reported that Nike began to fire employees who were not vaccinated against covid-19 in the United States. The more incautious doubt whether the measure corresponds to a policy...


Blocking the Blockade: Venezuela’s New Law to Protect Assets Abroad

The National Assembly (AN) of Venezuela has approved unanimously the Bill for the Protection of Assets, Rights and Interests of the Republic and its Entities Abroad, in its first discussion...


Dollar Status: Global Reserve Currency Falls to 25-Year Low

The share of the US dollar as the dominant global reserve currency fell to 59% in the fourth quarter of 2020, according to data on the monetary composition of official international reserves (COFER)...
