Vie. 21 Junio 2024 Actualizado ayer a las 5:24 pm


Mostrando 3801 - 3810 de 3811

Vaccines as Ammunition: Pharmaceuticals Grab Europe by the Scruff of the Neck

The appearance of the SARS-CoV-2 virus revealed the fragility of the world’s healthcare systems, even in countries considered to be at the forefront of public health networks. European nations such...


Key Points of Venezuelan Opposition’s ‘National Salvation Agreement’ Scam

On May 11, the fake government of Juan Guaidó launched the so-called “National Salvation Agreement,” a sort of unified approach to “recover the country’s democracy,” escape from the complex...


Maduro’s Neoliberal Turn?

The narrative about the Venezuelan government’s shift towards a neoliberal economic policy has been going on for some time now and has been promoted by the mainstream media. Presented as a bombastic...


Juvenicide: A Crime of the Multidimensional War in Colombia

At the beginning of the 1990s as the victor of the “cold war”, which in reality had very hot expressions, the United States, having established itself since the second post-war period as the head of...


U.S. Military Bases Around the World: At What Cost?

On April 14, 2021, President Joe Biden announced that the U.S. military in Afghanistan will withdraw by September 11, 2021. Its departure from the territory has occurred in a disorderly and hasty...


China’s Model, Aspiration and Epic

The Communist Party of China (CPC) has reached the milestone of its first centennial. Amid lavish celebrations, the ruling party of the People’s Republic under Xi Jinping, the highest leader of the...


Hugo Carvajal: Between Drug Trafficking, the CIA, and the Guaidó Legacy

The capture of Hugo Carvajal in an apartment in Madrid, capital of Spain, on September 9, marks the end of an investigation led by the United States, and carried out by the Spanish police, to...


Anti-Chavismo ‘in Exile’ Does Not Stop Conspiring Against Dialogue in Venezuela

Social media networks are currently one of the main tools used to promote narratives that later serve as an imperialist justification for the application of interventionist measures in sovereign...


El Conuco: Against the Global Environmental Crisis

The notion of “conuquera” is based on an ecosystemic vision in which everyone and everything is interrelated, and a culture that seeks to bring together what capital fragments. Not only is it...


Key Points of UN Special Rapporteur’s Preliminary Report on Venezuela

Alena Douhan, a Special Rapporteur on human rights for the United Nations (UN), visited Venezuela to investigate first-hand the negative impact of the unilateral coercive measures imposed on the...
