Lun. 01 Julio 2024 Actualizado Sábado, 29. Junio 2024 - 11:08


Mostrando 3781 - 3790 de 3845

Europa se pone la soga al cuello en la guerra energética contra Rusia

Se sabe que la contribución rusa al consumo de gas en Europa es significativa y que es de naturaleza creciente. A la fecha Rusia suministra un 40% a ese continente. La Administración de Información...


Use and Abuse of Diplomatic Asylum to Assault Venezuela

Throughout the course of many years of diplomatic attacks on Chavismo, several countries have clearly undermined the historical process that led to international conventions on the right to political...


Catatumbo in Dispute

The beautiful and strategic Catatumbo River originates in Colombia in the department of Norte de Santander and runs 240 kilometers until it reaches the Venezuelan border. From there it enters the...


“Do You Want a War Between Russia and NATO?”

ISTANBUL – Emmanuel Macron is no Talleyrand. Self-promoted as “Jupiterian”, he may have finally got down to earth for a proper realpolitik insight while ruminating one of the former French Minister...


Anti-Chavismo Asks US Treasury (OFAC) for $53 Million to Pay Guaidó & Co. Salaries

The president of Venezuela’s National Assembly (AN), Jorge Rodríguez, today revealed a new corrupt plot against the Venezuelan state involving former deputy Juan Guaidó and other representatives of...


Repression and Sexual Violence Against Women in Colombia

The Brutal Repression against the National Strike The figures of human rights violations in Colombia in the context of the repression of the National Strike that began on April...


Controversy Between Colombia and UN’s FAO Exposes Propaganda Against Venezuela

Recently, the Foreign Affairs Minister of Colombia, Martha Lucía Ramírez, spoke out and questioned the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Food Program (WFP...


Europa y su nexo colonial energético con EEUU

Al día siguiente del anuncio del presidente de Rusia, Vladímir Putin sobre la operación especial de desmilitarización y desnazificación en Ucrania, el canciller alemán, Olaf Scholz, ordenó al...


By trying to sanction the whole world, Washington backs itself into a corner

In a short amount of time, a series of events took place, centered around Venezuela, which from a political point of view have the elements of a melodrama with a hint of comedy. It all began when a...


US Courts take another step in dismembering CITGO

The concrete threat of liquidating the CITGO Petróleum Corporation, a company based on US soil and owned by the Venezuelan State, has reached a new climax. According to the Argus Media website,...
