Dom. 02 Junio 2024 Actualizado ayer a las 10:08 am


Mostrando 1 - 10 de 16

PDVSA Workers Recover Venezuela’s Refining Capacity

David Paravisini, a Venezuelan expert in public energy policies, stated this Monday, March 22, that PDVSA workers have managed to recover refining capacity in 10% of the national industry. “The...


Diesel Blockade’s Goal: ‘Accelerate the Collapse of Venezuela’

Recall that in 2005, after the lashings Hurricanes Katrina and Rita delivered to the United States—which led to an increase in heating prices and a shortage of fuel—President Hugo Chávez created the...


Venezuela Denounces Terrorist Attack on PDVSA Facilities in Monagas State

Venezuelan Vice President for the Economic Area and Minister for Petroleum, Tareck El Aissami, denounced the latest terrorist attack perpetrated against facilities of the state petroleum company...


Anti-Chavismo ‘in Exile’ Does Not Stop Conspiring Against Dialogue in Venezuela

Social media networks are currently one of the main tools used to promote narratives that later serve as an imperialist justification for the application of interventionist measures in sovereign...


Biden Accuses Russia, China, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela and Hezbollah of Interfering in US Elections

On Tuesday, March 16, the Office of the Director of US National Intelligence released a report on alleged foreign meddling in the 2020 presidential race, in which candidate Joe Biden beat former...


COVAX and AstraZeneca: Tools of a Humanitarian Extortion Operation

A few days ago, some media outlets published the news of a purported agreement between the government of Nicolás Maduro and the anti-Chavista group allegedly led by former deputy Juan Guaidó to buy...


Guaidó Gets Deleted in Africa

On March 3, Ugandan pop star-turned-politician Bobi Wine, whose real name is Robert Kyagulanyi, tweeted a photo of a video conference between himself and former Venezuelan deputy, Juan Guaidó, the US...


The Fate of the Venezuelan Opposition is on the Table at the White House

The upcoming political scenario planned for this year around the elections for governors and mayors in Venezuela encompasses a range of possibilities far beyond the elections for these positions....


Colombia, Armed Groups and Border Fighting: Analysis Beyond Apure

The Colombian-Venezuelan border is heating up again with the latest war events involving irregular criminal groups coming from Colombia and the security forces of the Bolivarian Republic, and as any...


African Bar Association Reveals Serious Infractions by Cape Verde Against Alex Saab

This Monday, March 1, the African Bar Association published its conclusions after an investigation into the legal case against Alex Saab, Special Envoy of Venezuela who was apprehended in Cape Verde...
