Sáb. 28 Septiembre 2024 Actualizado 2:20 pm


Mostrando 3981 - 3990 de 3997

The Countries Which Participate in the World Cup of Opportunism

Venezuela is once again a protagonist on the international scene, and on its own merits. Of course, a lot has to do with the current international situation, with disaster capitalism having already...


The Political and Electoral Myth of ‘If the Opposition was United’

One way to brush off disappointments or defeats is to imagine alternate hypothetical situations—”if such and such had happened, so and so result would have followed.” It is a comfort zone which only...


Vaccine Passports and the Inequality Virus in the Debate

As part of the normality that, like a promised land, they have repeatedly offered during the pandemic, some governments of the Global North have created mechanisms to control mobility based on the...


Lucrative Vaccine Drama Takes the World by Storm

A year ago, when the World Health Organization (WHO) inaugurated the pandemic status and death began to ravage European and Asian populations, the possibility of an immune solution to the coronavirus...


Salvatore Mancuso’s Confession Reveals How Paramilitarism Emerged in Colombia

The war that has been raging in Colombia for the last seven decades has gone through various stages of violence, with different actors that often intertwine in terms of their interests and procedures...


The Good and the Bad of CELAC’s 7th Summit

More than its final declaration, the agreements reached, or the interventions of presidents and foreign ministers, the value of the 7th Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States...


Let’s Tell Lies…

In the Spanish-speaking world, there is a very peculiar children’s song: “Let’s Tell Lies”. Through the hilarious repetition of verses and a catchy melody, there is a succession of absurd situations...


Cancel Culture: Consequences of Western Russophobia

It is a bit strange to come across a news headline that states there has been some kind of controversy between Russian President Vladimir Putin and British author JK Rowling. Even more so...


Fidel, Father and Inspiration Behind Cuba’s Scientific System

Cuba is the only country in Latin America and the Caribbean that is successfully developing its own vaccines against covid. Those who do not know the island of Martí and Fidel cannot understand how a...


Poor Women’s Global Struggle Against Hunger and Pandemic

Without a doubt, the global pandemic of covid-19 has had a devastating impact on the economy and, consequently, on the population. Its appearance has accelerated a systemic crisis that was already...
