El 2 de febrero de este año el gobierno estadounidense movilizó aviones de combate de primera línea, y por tanto millones de dólares, para derribar un supuesto globo espía chino que puso...
The recent arrival of U.S. President Joe Biden on European soil is preceded by a scandal that could influence the diplomatic agenda that the Democrat intends to develop in his first visit since he...
There are multiple measurable data that demonstrate how the leadership of the United States is in meltdown. The strongest indicator is its own media agendas that conceal certain realities while...
At least 904 social leaders and 276 FARC-EP guerrilla ex-combatants—signatories of the peace agreement forged in Havana during the government of Juan Manuel Santos—have been assassinated since 2016,...
Desde este 8 de junio Argelia congela las relaciones comerciales y bancarias con España, esto debido al “giro injustificable” del Gobierno de Pedro Sánchez con respecto al Sáhara Occidental, alineado...
El gobierno sueco encontró la primera prueba concluyente sobre los atentados perpetrados contra los gasoductos del Nord Stream. Tras la investigación de la explosión que hizo estallar tres de los...
La Unión Europea buscará combatir el cambio climático uniéndose a un esfuerzo internacional para evaluar si son viables las intervenciones a gran escala, como desviar los rayos del sol o cambiar los...
The decision of a sector of the Venezuelan opposition, concentrated in the Unitary Platform, to call for primary elections to select the opposition’s candidate to run in the upcoming presidential...
Recall that in 2005, after the lashings Hurricanes Katrina and Rita delivered to the United States—which led to an increase in heating prices and a shortage of fuel—President Hugo Chávez created the...
Throughout history (at least since the end of World War II) the interventionist imprint of the United States has had the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) as the main actor. The entire conspiratorial...