Sáb. 28 Septiembre 2024 Actualizado ayer a las 9:19 pm


Mostrando 3951 - 3960 de 3970

What will Israel do to counter Hezbollah’s missiles?

Jerusalem, the West Bank and the various cities where the Palestinian and the Israelis have lived together since 1948, rose up to join the Palestinian resistance with its iron fist and its missiles...


Where the International Front Against Venezuela Is Heading

The 8th America's Summit was controversial thanks to the many corruption cases involving Latin America's political classes. Its international impact was lessened by the absence of ...


Enclaves, Mercenaries and Exterminations: The Common Ground between Colombia and Israel

It has long been said that Colombia is the Israel of Latin America, this statement has been made by different analysts and political figures, especially when in the last decade it has deepened its...


Brahim Basiri and El Uali, Eternal Heroes of the Saharawi People’s Struggle

This month of June commemorates two crucial dates in the long struggle of the Saharawi people for independence and self-determination, first against Spanish colonialism and then against Moroccan...


The Real Role of NGOs in Venezuela

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) began to expand in the context of the Cold War and the globalization of neo-liberalism, accustomed to operate as political parties but protected under the legal...


“Do You Want a War Between Russia and NATO?”

ISTANBUL – Emmanuel Macron is no Talleyrand. Self-promoted as “Jupiterian”, he may have finally got down to earth for a proper realpolitik insight while ruminating one of the former French Minister...


Say hello to Russian gold and Chinese petroyuan

It was a long time coming, but finally some key lineaments of the multipolar world’s new foundations are being revealed. On Friday, after a videoconference meeting, the Eurasian Economic Union (...


Cancel Culture: Consequences of Western Russophobia

It is a bit strange to come across a news headline that states there has been some kind of controversy between Russian President Vladimir Putin and British author JK Rowling. Even more so...


Terrorist Operations in Caracas: Context and Orchestration

Since last Wednesday June 7 and during Thursday June 8, the capital city of Venezuela, Caracas, has been the target of important operations by armed groups, which through the facade of criminal gangs...


Vaccines as Ammunition: Pharmaceuticals Grab Europe by the Scruff of the Neck

The appearance of the SARS-CoV-2 virus revealed the fragility of the world’s healthcare systems, even in countries considered to be at the forefront of public health networks. European nations such...
