Sáb. 28 Septiembre 2024 Actualizado ayer a las 9:19 pm


Mostrando 3931 - 3940 de 3970

The Broad Agreement that Has Made 21N Mega-Elections Possible

If something is an indicator of the maturity of Venezuela’s democracy, it is the capacity it has had to absorb forced situations of conflict and instability within its legal and electoral framework...


A Strong Message from the Kremlin to Europe and the World

The geopolitical magnifying glass has been turned on the Black Sea in recent days due to the provocative actions of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) against Russia. This and other...


NED Wastes Millions Of Dollars In Ukraine's Anti Russian Propaganda

Anti-Russian propaganda has become one of the West's main weapons against Russia. This is particularly special in Ukraine, as over the last decade millions of dollars have been poured into creating...


India in the Face of Neoliberalism, Pandemic as Part of the Tragedy

India, a country considered a subcontinent, has been impacted by the neoliberal wave sweeping the world. As in too many cases, this economic system has not produced any honorable results when...


Examining U.S. Imperial Geopolitics on the Caribbean Spectrum

Professor Jean-Claude Gerlus, in his research “The Effects of the Cold War on U.S.-Haitian Relationsos “, was correct in pointing out that the Caribbean Basin was transformed into an undeclared war...


Coercion, Kidnapping and Legal Malfeasance: The Illicit Route of the Alex Saab Case

In multiple venues, including meetings that, within the framework of the dialogue process taking place in Mexico, the government of the Bolivarian Republic demanded the immediate and full release of...


Resultados elecciones regionales y municipales 2021

Venezuela celebró elecciones para escoger a 23 gobernadores, 335 alcaldías, 253 legisladores de los consejos legislativos y 2.471 concejales. El presidente del Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE), Pedro...

NATO Trains and Finances Neo-Nazis and Jihadists in Ukraine

After eight years of Ukrainian conflict following the Euromaidan and the declaration of Donetsk and Lugansk as independent republics, came the recognition by the Russian government of the entities in...


Clearing Doubts About the Venezuelan Economy

The recent boom in economic activity in Venezuela, which has manifested in the opening of various types of commercial establishments and the increased circulation of money in metropolitan areas,...


Why President Maduro Canceled His Attendance at CELAC Summit in Argentina

It has been a complete surprise for many that President Nicolás Maduro did not travel to Buenos Aires to participate in the 7th CELAC Summit. It was an important event, and CELAC was promoted mainly...
