Sáb. 28 Septiembre 2024 Actualizado ayer a las 9:19 pm


Mostrando 3881 - 3890 de 3970

On Messi, YouTubers, Migration, and ‘Venezuela Got Fixed’

Let us begin by admitting that a good part of what we call “political debate” in Venezuela is a disorderly dispute over personal anecdotes and the country’s issues. Sometimes that diatribe has...


Bolivia and Cuba: Protagonists and Events in the Heat of the Imperial Offensive

The onslaught of the Global North, led by the United States and its battery of unconventional warfare methods, continues to impact the stability of countries that are not aligned with the interests...


¿Escasez de petróleo o reacomodo del mercado energético?

Cuando permanece la narrativa de la escasez de un producto en la psiquis de los que interactúan en un mercado determinado, inmediatamente se encienden las alarmas y el comportamiento de esos actores...


Guaidó Gets Deleted in Africa

On March 3, Ugandan pop star-turned-politician Bobi Wine, whose real name is Robert Kyagulanyi, tweeted a photo of a video conference between himself and former Venezuelan deputy, Juan Guaidó, the US...


2021: Political Turning Point in Central America and the Caribbean

With the background noise of migration to the United States and the recent victory of Xiomara Castro de Zelaya, Central America and the Caribbean are at a turning point that will play an important...


Covert Interference: British Council in Venezuela

Cultural diplomacy is a tool that the United Kingdom has been able to use in the Venezuelan scenario with a view to imposing an agenda that projects its interests in areas that many might consider “...


Lo que sabemos hasta ahora del ataque contra el Kremlin

Circunstancias del ataque: Dos vehículos aéreos no tripulados apuntaron a la residencia presidencial del Kremlin. No se ha informado del tipo de dron. Los militares y los servicios especiales...

Cargill, Oligopolies and the Blockade of Venezuela

Cargill, one of the main corporations of Venezuela’s agro-industrial sector which, announced the sale of all its Venezuelan assets, a liquidation that will allegedly take several months to be...


Advances and Challenges of the Vaccination Process in Venezuela

The vaccination process against Covid-19 in Venezuela is not exempt from the current complexities of the country, nor has it ceased to be the object of attacks by the agents of the same structures...


The Latest News on Iván Duque and the CIA’s Attacks on Venezuela

On February 5, the President of the Venezuelan Parliament, Jorge Rodríguez, gave details of the dismantling of an attack on the administrative and debating offices of the National Assembly (NA)....
