Dom. 16 Junio 2024 Actualizado Viernes, 14. Junio 2024 - 16:45


Mostrando 1101 - 1110 de 1152

Advances and Challenges of the Vaccination Process in Venezuela

The vaccination process against Covid-19 in Venezuela is not exempt from the current complexities of the country, nor has it ceased to be the object of attacks by the agents of the same structures...


The Latest News on Iván Duque and the CIA’s Attacks on Venezuela

On February 5, the President of the Venezuelan Parliament, Jorge Rodríguez, gave details of the dismantling of an attack on the administrative and debating offices of the National Assembly (NA)....


Bolivarian National Guard Detains Colombian Spy in Táchira

The Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) detained a member of the Armed Forces of Colombia in the border state of Táchira. According to sources, the detained individual was carrying out espionage...


CITGO at Risk: Are There Shady Deals Between Guaidó and ConocoPhillips?

Suspicious information has recently surfaced about the handling of Venezuelan assets abroad, this time referring to possible behind-the-scenes negotiations between members of the Guaidó gang and the...


Dunhammer: The Operation That Could Tarnish Biden’s Visit to Europe

The recent arrival of U.S. President Joe Biden on European soil is preceded by a scandal that could influence the diplomatic agenda that the Democrat intends to develop in his first visit since he...


Pandemic Truths and Questions: The Meltdown of U.S. Global Leadership

There are multiple measurable data that demonstrate how the leadership of the United States is in meltdown. The strongest indicator is its own media agendas that conceal certain realities while...


Colombia: Almost 1,200 Social Leaders & Former FARC-EP Combatants Assassinated Since 2016

At least 904 social leaders and 276 FARC-EP guerrilla ex-combatants—signatories of the peace agreement forged in Havana during the government of Juan Manuel Santos—have been assassinated since 2016,...


Diesel Blockade’s Goal: ‘Accelerate the Collapse of Venezuela’

Recall that in 2005, after the lashings Hurricanes Katrina and Rita delivered to the United States—which led to an increase in heating prices and a shortage of fuel—President Hugo Chávez created the...


Venezuela Has a Strategy: Bolivarian Shield

Throughout history (at least since the end of World War II) the interventionist imprint of the United States has had the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) as the main actor. The entire conspiratorial...


China and Russia to Create International Lunar Research Station

The Russian space agency Roscosmos said in a statement that its director signed a joint agreement with his counterpart at the National Space Administration of China to “promote cooperation in the...
