Dom. 23 Junio 2024 Actualizado ayer a las 2:48 pm


Mostrando 1061 - 1070 de 1152

Juez Federal dice que demócratas controlan casi todos los principales medios de comunicación de EEUU

El juez del tribunal federal de apelaciones de Washington, Laurence Silberman, utilizó su disidencia en un caso de difamación para declarar su oposición a una decisión histórica de la Corte Suprema...

National Strike in Colombia: A Labyrinth for Uribism

Twenty years of Uribism in power “We woke up in the night of terror amidst the bullets and the helicopter…”: so begins one of the many terrible stories of the people who lived in the Comuna 13 of...


Development, Climax and Polarizing Elements of Peru’s 2nd Round of Elections

The second round for the presidential election in Peru is, as few others, extremely crucial for the Andean nation, both for the singularity of the preceding political framework and for the electoral...


Why Chavismo Must Win in Barinas

From the valley of the Santo Domingo river comes a strong wind called “Barinés” that descends from the Andean mountain range in a west-east direction during the rainy season, against the prevailing...


Irán califica a Alex Saab como prisionero de guerra de EEUU

El portavoz del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Irán, Saeed Khatibzadeh, ha dicho que el Enviando Especial de Venezuela, Alex Saab, puede ser considerado un prisionera de guerra, por las...

CIA Preparing a False Flag Operation from Colombia?

Colombia’s role in the already permanent regime change operation against Venezuela is broad and eloquent. Some recent events in that country may be worthy of attention and analysis, however, all this...


HRW Attacks Venezuela Again: Lies and Interference in Apure Case

The report that the NGO Human Rights Watch (HRW) has issued regarding the latest events that occurred in the state of Apure is not surprising. Its animosity towards the Venezuelan government is...


NATO Threatens Russia in the Black Sea: reasons for a decline

It is not the first time that the countries that make up the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) have sailed the Black Sea with the intention of conducting provocative operations against Russia...


How Iran was Able to Boost Oil Industry Despite US Blockade

Venezuelan anti-Chavista economist Francisco Rodríguez responded to a question from a Bloomberg journalist, who said that for the UN special rapporteur it was difficult to answer why Iran, a country...


Tibieza congelada

La pelea es peleando. Eso lo aprendí con Chávez. Esa forma de hacer política de cierta izquierda, que van pidiendo permisito perdón, taquito de jamón, que camina cuidando no pisar ciertos poderosos...
