Sáb. 01 Junio 2024 Actualizado 10:08 am


Mostrando 1 - 10 de 14

The War Scenario in Apure is Transferred to the Media and Social Media Networks

Since the beginning of the clashes last Sunday, March 21, between Venezuelan state security forces and armed groups operating in Apure, on the Colombian-Venezuelan border, attempts were made to...


Colombian Defense Minister Justifies Bombing of Children by Armed Forces

This Wednesday, March 10, the Colombian Army headquarters acknowledged that it was aware of the possibility that there were minors in the camp of an illegal armed group bombed in the Calamar...


Bolivia: Three Signs of a Soft Coup in the Making

Towards the close of 2019, after the resounding electoral victory of Evo Morales, the military and police coup d’état in Bolivia was consummated, with coup resources clearly concentrated in Santa...


China – United States Meeting Confirms ‘Serious Differences’

Talks between high-ranking representatives of China and the United States held in Alaska showed that serious contradictions persist between the parties on a number of issues, said Yang Jiechi, head...


Biden Accuses Russia, China, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela and Hezbollah of Interfering in US Elections

On Tuesday, March 16, the Office of the Director of US National Intelligence released a report on alleged foreign meddling in the 2020 presidential race, in which candidate Joe Biden beat former...


Iranian Coronavirus Vaccine 90% Effective

Iran began the second and third phases of human trials on the Coviran Barekat vaccine this week, with the aim of speeding up the process by combining the last two stages of testing. “We will test...


Guaidó Gets Deleted in Africa

On March 3, Ugandan pop star-turned-politician Bobi Wine, whose real name is Robert Kyagulanyi, tweeted a photo of a video conference between himself and former Venezuelan deputy, Juan Guaidó, the US...


Diesel Blockade’s Goal: ‘Accelerate the Collapse of Venezuela’

Recall that in 2005, after the lashings Hurricanes Katrina and Rita delivered to the United States—which led to an increase in heating prices and a shortage of fuel—President Hugo Chávez created the...


China and Russia to Create International Lunar Research Station

The Russian space agency Roscosmos said in a statement that its director signed a joint agreement with his counterpart at the National Space Administration of China to “promote cooperation in the...


Venezuela Denounces Terrorist Attack on PDVSA Facilities in Monagas State

Venezuelan Vice President for the Economic Area and Minister for Petroleum, Tareck El Aissami, denounced the latest terrorist attack perpetrated against facilities of the state petroleum company...
